Friday, November 29, 2019

It is significant, I think, that Clarisse objects Essays

It is significant, I think, that Clarisse objects explicitly to the lost social nature of learning, for it shows Bradbury's ideal of learning as a hermeneutical dialogue with two minds engaged in drawing out and re-forming the matter shaped between them. In the Metaphysics Aristotle points out that "experience is formed of many memories" ( I.i .), but by memories he mean s itemized result s of the mind working on data, either sensory or semiotic, and shaping it into knowledge by applying questions and heuristics as a way of " coming to terms " with it. Communication between people is the ideal way to commence this process, but in TV class the communication is monodirectional , and the resulting materiel transmitted to the student remains data rather than knowledge. In fact, the social element of learning is so valuable to memory that even books only represent the voice of a person whom time has rendered inaccessible. In the Phaedrus Socrates remind s his listeners that writing i s only of value as a reminder, but that i t can't be properly questioned because it has no power to listen it can only repeat itself (274D-275A). 3 The relative dismissal of memory as a goal of pedagogy was reflected in the now-famous Bloom's Taxonomy, written in 1956 by a group of educators who sought to clarify the goals of learning and taxonomi z e the tasks by which they were achieved. Although the group hoped to achieve a pedagogical unity between Cogniti ve, Affective, and Psychomotor "domains," the taxonomy is , even after its revision in 2000 , frequently understood as a hierarchy which places " remembering " at the bottom and " creating " at the top. While this echoes the Classical insistence on a solid base of texts grasped in and by the memory and then manipulated as a means of producing new compositions, poo r restatements of the Taxonomy 4 transmitted the idea of memory as the lowest order thinking skill and the one dismissed fastest by students hoping to hone their " cri tical thinking skills." Certain ly, Bloom's Taxonomy reflects m od ernity's view of memory as a " mere " ability to reproduce accurately rote-remembered data, and as separate from the Romantic notion of a Work inspired by ingenium rather than an orderly intellectual process.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Athena Essays - Ancient Greek Religion, Acropolis Of Athens

Athena Essays - Ancient Greek Religion, Acropolis Of Athens Athena Athena Back in time when Greece was making its mark in history as one of the great civilization of the Ancient World, there was a great deal of emphasis on the Gods and Goddesses. To the Greeks the world was governed by the Gods and they were the reason many things happened in the world, mostly thing that where unexplainable. The goddess Athena was one of the many gods or goddesses that played a large role in Greek mythology. Even though Athena was the patron saint of Athens she supported other Greeks outside of Athens, such as, Achilles, Orestes, and especially Odysseus (Athena-1). Athena is know to be the goddess of war, guardian of cities, patroness of arts and crafts, and promoter of wisdom (Images of Women...-1). Athenas name actually came form the Cretan and Mycenean name Athene which predates the Greeks by about 1,500 years (Daly-20). The ending -ene, was set aside for royalty and goddesses, like Helene (Harris-4). She was also called by some Greeks as Pallas Athena. Not many people know where the name Pallas came from. Some legends say she obtained it from the giant Pallas that she killed in the war of the gods and giants (Grant-Hazel 83). Another legend says that Athena accidentally killed her childhood playmate Pallas. By taking Pallas in front of her own, Athena shows the grief that she endured for the loss of her friend (Daly-20). Athena had such an impact on the Greeks that the Romans adopted her and called her Minerva (Minerva-1). The origins of Athenas name is not the only discrepancy that historians have had. The origin of where Athena came form is also a discrepancy. Zeus feared that he would be overcome by a son greater than he born from the intelligent Metis. To prevent this Zeus ate Metis. There for, Athena, in the most common legend, was born fully grown out of Zeuss head after Hephaestus split it open with an ax. Another legend, this one form Crete, says Athena was hidden in a cloud. Zeus hit his head on the cloud and caused Athena to appear (Daly-20). Out of all the cities that Athena helped and protected Athens claimed her as there own. The Atheans believed that the first king of Athens, Erichthonius, was a descendant of Athena (Daly-20). Even though Poseidon was greedy of earthy kingdoms, he challenged Athena for the city. The both of them appeared before the court of gods and goddess to make a judgment. Poseidon presented water to be of use to the Atheans. But the water was salty. Athena presented the olive tree which gave fruit, oil and wood. The court judged that this was a more beneficial gift and let Athena have the city (Daly-100). To show their homage, the Atheans, built the Parthenon. The word Parthenon means virgins place, for Athena was a virgin goddess (Parthenon-1). The east side of the building showed the birth of Athena and the west side showed the contest with Poseidon (Athena-1). Atheans, on the other hand, were not the only people Athena favored. According to Homer the Greeks were greatly benefited when Athena came down from the heavens and stopped Achilles of Phthia from killing Agamemnon. Achilles protested but Athena replied: Down from the skies I come to check your rage if only you would yield...Stop this fighting, now...Dont lay hand to sword...I know it is the truth-one day glittering gifts will lie before you, three times over to pay for all his outrage. Hold pack now. Obey... (Homer-104) Even though Athena was the patroness of war she also had compassion for the Greeks. Athena new if Achilles had killed Agamemnon that would certainly mean defeat for the Greeks. Athena was ruthless, manipulative, savage, and found delight in Trojan blood (Athena, daughter of Zues-1). Athena also is credited with helping a young man that was on trial in Athens for killing his mother. This young man was Orestes and his mother Clytemnestra, both form Argos. Athena having no mother had more compassion for the male figure than female. She considered the crimes of Clytemnestra (killing her husband, Agamemnon) more punishable than Orestes crime (Parada-2). Aeschylus seems to sum it up in Athenas speech to the court in The Oresteia. The Eumenides. ...No mother gave me birth. I honor the male , in all things but marriage. Yes, with all my heart I am my Fathers child. I cannot set more store by the womens death-she killed her husband, guardian of their house...(644) With this trial Athena presented a new

Friday, November 22, 2019

Management and Organizational Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management and Organizational Ethics - Essay Example This is ethically right regardless of its costs and consequences. Actually, BBC, (2012) records that, â€Å"Deontological (duty-based) ethics are concerned with what people do, not with the consequences of their actions.† However, this has not been easy for me subject to the temptations resulting from the convenience and money-saving aspect that comes with downloading music from the prohibited websites. Indeed, despite the knowledge of the adverse effects of such unethical behaviors am always under pressure to do it. However, am aware that if I adhere to my responsibility of obliging to the legal proclamation of music copyright owners and consequently buy CDs from legal stores and outlets, that way I would be adding more benefits to the music industry and securing my nation from terrorism (Dan, 2006). Nevertheless, more than often, I find myself collaborating with a crime to infringe on others efforts thus benefiting myself at their expense. Hence, after failing to establish an effective and consistent commitment to ethical behavior, I feel that I should re-evaluate my policy in order to overcome the challenges on my way. Indeed, Hardin (2006) reckons that â€Å"commitment requires action or series of action and will often lead to success.† As such, since my conscience convinces me that what I am doing is ethically wrong despite the inherent benefits that I derive from it, I must, therefore, redefine my policy to ensure that I strictly abide with the set rules governing the music industry. Most importantly, I know that peer pressure affects my pursuit in this endeavor since all my friends feel nothing about this unethical behavior (Dordrecht, 1992; Arrington, 2009). As such, for me to succeed I must change my friends or at least avoid them during leisure times and holidays. This will reduce the pressure to download such music as my friends usually do it as a hobby.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management Information Systems Research and its Impact on Sustainable Paper

Management Information Systems and its Impact on Sustainable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - Research Paper Example In response, businesses have established information systems, which help keeping track of all their activities right from the planning stage to the delivery of value to the final consumer in the product market (Allingham & Oconnor 160). The highly competitive entrepreneurial atmosphere demands that managers should be clear concerning aspects of the business, should plan effectively, and should be in position to make fast smart business decisions at each stage of the operation chain in order to succeed (Leidner & Elam 139). This has gradually led to the evolution of the Management Information System (MIS), as a tool for supporting the decision making function of the organization; many studies have highlighted the multiple benefits of the MIS as a decision making tool of the organization. However, it is an undeniable fact that the continued deterioration of natural environments in the modern global business era poses greater risks as well as opportunities for the present businesses, which further underpins the need to fine tune the organizational thought processes towards sustainability (Thongpoon, Ahmad, & Yahya 5). In that respect, modern organizations are facing yet another crucial challenge of generating decisions that focus on sustainability and innovative environmental strategies, thereby leading to the evolution of the modern Sustainable SMEs that are fine-tuned towards social responsibility as well as sustainable development. The SSMEs research is still growing, thereby increasingly highlighting the modern SSMEs focus on environmental responsibility as well as technology up-gradation for strategic business advantages. Generally, environmental responsibility encompasses the measures to reduce, recycle material, while technology up-gradation entails the use of computer based systems such as the MISs among other innovative tools. A vast proportion of literature covers the contributions of the MIS to the establishment

Monday, November 18, 2019

South Korea Leads the Way Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

South Korea Leads the Way - Essay Example Another advantage South Korea had over other nation is that their demographics consists of densely populated areas which lower the infrastructure investment required to provide high-speed internet. One of the amazing things about the South Korean case is that the country was able to become one of the leading nation in communication sector in a very short period of time. In 1995 only 1% of the population was online. By 2004 nearly 71% of the population was enjoying internet service in their homes. E-commerce in South Korea generates twice as many sales per capita in comparison with the United States. The gaming industry is one of the profitable and popular business sectors in South Korea. Since internet speeds are so high the new focus in South Korea is providing new exciting services. Innovation has become extremely important in the 21st century. It can be used by businesses as a tool to create new sources of revenue. We are living in a society in which people expect technology to pr ovide them with new products that attract their attention. Another lesson learned from the South Korean case is the importance of cooperation between the private and public sector. The government can provide incentives that lower the cost of doing business for corporations. Another element that allowed the telecommunication sector to thrive in South Korea was the introduction of new companies which created competition. Competition in business creates great benefits for the consumer such as lower prices, better service, and greater variety.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effect of Globalization on Poor Countries

Effect of Globalization on Poor Countries This paper discusses the development of the globalization process, the meaning of the term globalization and the impacts of globalization and global companies on the world economy, global community, inequality and different living standards in the wealthier and poorer countries. It is pointed out that globalization has both, negative and positive aspects, but it certainly brings a significant change. The developed countries and global companies are carriers of the globalization process which are using very well the global conditions. With the development of information and communication technologies the world has become a single system where a connection between two subjects in different parts of the world is made within a few minutes. An eternal theme during the development of globalization is the discussion of problems of economic inequality and poverty. The question is what are the concrete effects of globalization causes? Who are the losers and who are the winners in this process ? In response to this question there are two opinions. Someone think that if merging the developed and underdeveloped countries follows an increase of inequality and dislocation of production, while others argue that the winners actually are both sides. Is it a game with two winners or one loser? Globalization means a dynamical, political and cultural process that has enabled the rapid development in the fields of transport and communication, which is often driven by the desire of large corporations to conquer new markets. Globalization is a controversial process. There are three types of globalization: Economic globalization means primarily the creation and regulation of a single world market with free competition and encourages development. Opponents on the other hand argue that the large multinational corporations have been using already-earned capital to prevent the creation of competitors with whom to share the market. Political globalization is closely associated with economic globalization. The existence of a single world market reduces the ability of national governments to directly stimulate the development of their economies by setting rules that give priority to our own companies. City decision-making is transferred from state to international institutions, thereby reducing the ability of people to direct election of representatives of government influence in their own development. Cultural globalization is the encounter of diverse world cultures and customs. The flow of goods, capital and people across national borders brings with it the flow of habits, customs and cultures. This process of different people often provokes a different reaction. Some consider the impact of a new culture positive development that enriches the existing culture, while others in the new culture they see a threat to established values and rules ( Globalization is preceded by an incredibly rapid technological development. There was a combination of information technology and communications. Computer technology, satellite communications, optical cables and mobile phones allow a quick and cheap communication that has, among other things; result in geographic branching of companies. Plants are moved around the world depending on the benefits of natural resources and cheap labour. In most developed countries are formed knowledge industries, while manufacturing plants are located in less developed and underdeveloped countries. Economic globalization has an appropriate infrastructure in which are basic liberalization and free market trade within countries and between them. It is not an ordinary interdependent economy, but it is a system based on strict rules that provide free production and exchange in the world. The globalization process is independent of our will, because it is conditioned by objective laws. Society should be aware of the great advantages and bad effects of globalization. One of the most serious consequences of globalization is certainly excessive increase in economic inequality and poverty. Below I will try to explain more clearly the relationship between globalization, global companies and the differences in living standards. The Affect of Globalization and Global Companies on Poor Countries Globalization creates certain problems for even the most developed countries, because the modern technology leads to a reduction in employment and related social problems and the multinational companies (MNC) often give priority to their own interests over the interests of other countries. Through globalization, developed countries have getting privileges, leadership, profit, control, influence and power, conquer new markets, and expand their sphere of influence and looking preferably for new investments. Developed countries and the multinational companies impose globalization and its rules to developing countries like a long development vision, using the fact that for development of these countries foreign investments are needed and this are offering only developed countries with their rigorous criteria. Who owns the capital of the world? According to Anderson and Cavanagh, among the largest 100 economies in the world, 51 are multinational corporations (MNCs), whereas only 49 are countries. The analysis is based on a comparison of the corporate sales of MNCs and the GDPs of the countries. The study further shows that, out of the 200 largest economies of the world, 144 are MNCs. The combined sales of the top 200 corporations are bigger than the combined economies of all the countries of the world, minus the largest 10. The income of MNCs is 18 times higher than the combined annual income of the 1.2 billion people of poor countries (24 percent of the total world population). The study has found that the growth of sales of top 200 corporations is faster than overall global economic activity. Between 1983 and 1999, their profits grew by 362 percent whereas their combined sales grew from 25 percent to 27.5 percent of the world GDP. Most of these MNCs belong to the rich countries; therefor e, it is natural that MNCs and their respective countries should safeguard their mutual economic, political, and cultural interests under the cloak of globalization. Economies are the catalysts of the globalization process, and they are represented by MNCs and transnational corporations (TNCs), which maintain the highest stakes and stand to gain the maximum benefits. Having poor economic infrastructure and little capital, developing countries very easily agree to host MNCs. At times, their weak regulatory positions are subsequently exploited by MNCs. MNCs either buy out the local companies of the host countries or push them out of the markets by offering cheaper and better quality goods for some time. MNCs carry out research to identify human needs, problems and lifestyles and come up with multidimensional responses, including the development of products and services. What causes them to conduct such researches and produce goods accordingly? Is it for the good of public or maximizin g their own profits? This puts the whole process of globalization in question as its generally proclaimed goal is the good of common people. Before examining what happens when MNCs enter host societies to achieve their commercial objectives, it is pertinent to discuss the problems and strengths of the host societies. (Anderson and Cavanagh. 2000. quoted in Rahman K., n.d.). Unlike developed countries that use the positive effects of globalization, undeveloped countries are not able to actively participate in the expansion of world trade and to attract a greater volume of private foreign investment, resulting in lagging behind the development of global economy. Structural weaknesses and problems of external and internal debt of these countries is a key constraint to economic growth. This limitation is related to the lack of the market, underdeveloped technology and private sector, entrepreneurial and marketing skills, as well as non-transparency of legal and regulatory framework. Globalization is imposing further restrictions in terms of the need to adapt the new competitive international environment to these countries. Globalization and Living Standards It is quite difficult to measure the living standards in the global economy; it is even more difficult to measure these standards in relation to globalization. The living standards are different from country to country because of their national economic structure. Standards of living in the global economy are devised of income, health and education. These broad terms are indexed by GDP per capita, literacy, infant mortality, GNP per head, secondary and primary education, doctors per 100.000 people and so on. Living standards differ because of national economic structure high-income countries are based on agricultural production. They differ within the population and labour market factors with high-income countries have a population with a high level of education and relatively high rates of production. Institutional factors stable government and policies allows for better living standards, economic growth influenced by culture, access to capital and ease of establishing a business, global relations and levels of foreign debt ( However, the standards of living, or quality of life is not simply a measure of the level of economic growth or change in real GDP, but it is a measure that takes into account the literary levels, education, health care, technological changes and mortality rates. An example of a quality of life indicator is the Human Development Index (HDI) which measures changes in those factors as a result of globalization. Over the last few decades, the HDI of the worlds richest countries have increased as a result of globalization, where growth and development has been attributed to these economies through willingness to embrace market liberalization. However, the HDI of the poorer nations have grown at a slower rate to the richer nations which, as some economists put in, shows that globalization is another word for the continual plundering of the poorer and weaker nations by the rich and powerful economies. It has been strongly argued that the benefits of competition go only to those who can com pete, and poor countries have to negotiate on unequal terms ( There have been two important trends since about 1980. The first of these has been acceleration in economic growth in many of the worlds most populous countries particularly the Asian countries of China, India, Bangladesh and Vietnam. These countries, which were among the worlds poorest as recently as 1980, have all grown faster than the rich countries, in per capita terms, in the period since then. Largely as a consequence of this improved economic performance in these populous Asian countries, the poorest one-fifth of countries in 1980 had a population-weighted annual per capita growth rate of 4 per cent from 1980 to 1977, compared with 1.7 per cent for the richest fifth of countries over the same period. The second, and much more problematic, trend has been the continued poor economic performance of most of the countries in Africa, with some countries experiencing declines in average living standards, not only relative to the rich countries, but even in absolute terms. These two opposing trends have had important implications for global poverty and inequality over the past decades (Gruen D. and OBrien T., 2002.). As everyone knows, much of the world has been left aside. Most of Africa and Latin America, Russia, all of the Middle East, and large parts of Asia.  Moreover, for many countries, the degree of participation in the global economy varies by region.   In fact, globalization is not global but is mainly limited to northern latitudes.   Linda Weiss points out that as of 1991, 81% of the world stock of foreign direct investment was in high-wage countries of the north: mainly the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada (Kenneth N. Waltz. 1999 quoted in Sidani K. 2003.). The concept of globalization is not really global but based on the very few dominant and powerful countries, and especially the United States.   Many globalizers believe that America had stumbled into the right way of controlling the global market.   Globalization is not such a happy thought for most poor countries, because they are being used by the richer countries.   The rich countries buy the raw material from the poor countries, and then sell their finished products for relatively high prices, thus increasing the financial gap between themselves and the poor countries (Sidani K., 2003).   Conclusion Globalization is a process that has started and that cannot be stopped anymore. It has brought an increasing interaction among the participants of international trade, global networking of the financial markets and growing power of multinational corporations. Today, globalization is seen as a world without borders. Everything begins to be reflected globally. So, today are global products, fashion, consumers and citizens. Globalization can be understood as a stage in the development of the civilization. Globalization often confronts with some anti-globalists all over the world. They have common responses to globalization; regionalism, nationalism and patriotism in order to preserve national and cultural particularities and to some extend protect their economic independence. The strengths and power of the Multinational Corporations are more and more visible in the globalization process. Many countries where these corporations operate and especially those small and poor are just having affiliates of the Multinational Companies because of the enormous financial resources of these corporations. The GDP (Gross National Product) of these countries cannot be even remotely compared with the profit that realizes the MNC. Multinational corporations, however, spread their influence and power in all countries, none can escape. Investment decisions are taken by corporations at global level, transferring capital or resources from one country to another, impacting (un)employment of millions of people and level of economic activity in some countries. What brings the globalization, global businesses and economies and the developing world in the future remains uncertain.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rome :: essays papers

Rome Personal Imaginative There she was, in all her beauty. She was parked on the corner just were I left her She looked good, She looked hotter than hell. Her shinning poppy red exterior, sparkling likes diamonds. All heads turned by the car’s stunning looks, all ears raised to the sound of the Hi-Po V8 289, equipped with a Paxton supercharger; a sound you just don’t hear but feel. A classic sign of American muscle. My Classic 1966 GT 350 â€Å"Shelby Mustang.† I jumped into the bucket seats, stopping for a moment to observe the car/s beauty , before igniting the engine, only to be satisfied by that usual throaty growl. I eased the stang into first and rolled her out of the car park, towards a set of nearby traffic lights. Here I stopped next to a 1973 Corvette stingray. The Corvette was a nice car, a real looker, and bright orange in colour. The man in the Corvette was about 50 years of age. He was a small man, bald and quite frankly looked harmless; well so I thought. Before I knew it, he looked over at me, giving me an aggressive look, at the same time revving his engine. The look he gave me could only be translated to one thing: He wanted to race. The lights changed to green. Instinctively I slammed my foot on the accelerator, coming down on it like a ton of bricks, and sending the Stang leaping forward as if it was transformed into a wild mustang. The growl of the engine sent vibrations through my body. I was thrown back in my seat due to the force of the acceleration. Behind me I left a wall of smoke, and the smell of burning rubber. In 4.5 seconds I was doing 60 mph, the Corvette growing smaller and smaller through the rear-view mirror. I was amazed. I was doing incredible speeds. At this stage objects out of the window gradually became streaks of colour. I was left unable to distinguish between objects, dodging parked cars and people, within the last millisecond. At those speeds I was enclosed in my own world. I no longer heard the outside world, but only the Magnum wheels screeching, gripping the road like glue. Rome :: essays papers Rome Personal Imaginative There she was, in all her beauty. She was parked on the corner just were I left her She looked good, She looked hotter than hell. Her shinning poppy red exterior, sparkling likes diamonds. All heads turned by the car’s stunning looks, all ears raised to the sound of the Hi-Po V8 289, equipped with a Paxton supercharger; a sound you just don’t hear but feel. A classic sign of American muscle. My Classic 1966 GT 350 â€Å"Shelby Mustang.† I jumped into the bucket seats, stopping for a moment to observe the car/s beauty , before igniting the engine, only to be satisfied by that usual throaty growl. I eased the stang into first and rolled her out of the car park, towards a set of nearby traffic lights. Here I stopped next to a 1973 Corvette stingray. The Corvette was a nice car, a real looker, and bright orange in colour. The man in the Corvette was about 50 years of age. He was a small man, bald and quite frankly looked harmless; well so I thought. Before I knew it, he looked over at me, giving me an aggressive look, at the same time revving his engine. The look he gave me could only be translated to one thing: He wanted to race. The lights changed to green. Instinctively I slammed my foot on the accelerator, coming down on it like a ton of bricks, and sending the Stang leaping forward as if it was transformed into a wild mustang. The growl of the engine sent vibrations through my body. I was thrown back in my seat due to the force of the acceleration. Behind me I left a wall of smoke, and the smell of burning rubber. In 4.5 seconds I was doing 60 mph, the Corvette growing smaller and smaller through the rear-view mirror. I was amazed. I was doing incredible speeds. At this stage objects out of the window gradually became streaks of colour. I was left unable to distinguish between objects, dodging parked cars and people, within the last millisecond. At those speeds I was enclosed in my own world. I no longer heard the outside world, but only the Magnum wheels screeching, gripping the road like glue.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ethical Considerations Associated

Ethical Considerations Associated with Plea Bargaining Plea bargaining occurs when both sides in a case compromise to settle the matter before having a Judge or Jury decide. More often than not, the defendant pleads guilty to a crime that carries a less harsh sentence than the actual accused offense. The ethical dilemma is one of convenience over Justice. This approach, however, might cause ethical dilemmas, such as inequality in the Justice system. The courts are clogged, prosecutors are overworked, and there is the constitutional demand for â€Å"Speedy Trial. On one hand you have the courts doing their best to manage logjams, and on the other the need to provide Justice. Plea bargaining is done for several reasons such as, the chances of a lengthy trial or the lack of concrete evidence. Courts frequently bargain away charges that are just in order to get a guilty verdict on a lesser charge because they want the case to go away, or they don't want to take the risk in a trial becau se they doubt the conclusiveness of their evidence.Plea Bargains often cut out many court costs and help the legal system move cases along more quickly. This many lead to guilty individuals going free, receiving a fine, probation or a drastically reduced prison sentence for committing a heinous crime. Parties that work on a bargain agreement usually get a lesser sentence than a person who attempts to contest charges through a proper trial. Moreover, Justice can be harmed when the guilty are not properly punished, and this can have a corrosive effect on popular belief in the fairness of the ystem.Whether an ethical dilemma exists with plea bargaining depends on how a person views the ultimate goal of the court system. Those who think the Judicial system should deter crime and work efficiently, see plea bargains as a useful tool. However, those who prize equality see them as ethically dubious. Supporters of plea bargaining may admit to some deficiencies in the court system, however, t he often seemly unanswerable question remains; what's the alternative?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ethical behaviour in business Essay

In this task I will be explaining how my business (Ben and Jerry’s) could change or alter some of its practices and showing how these changes would contribute to improved ethical behaviour. The ethical issues I will be working on are CSR and trading fairly. Corporate social responsibility: Businesses do not exist in isolation nor is it simply just to make money; a lot of factors come into play. Customers, suppliers and the local community are all affected by the business and its operations. Ben and Jerry’s products, and the way they produce them all have an impact on the environment. CSR is all about businesses understanding the effects that they have on the community/wider world. Businesses will use this impact in a positive way to benefit both their business and the wider world. CSR means that business such as Ben and Jerry’s will have to take responsible attitude, going beyond the minimum legal requirements (as being ethical is strictly something you don’t have to do by law) and following basic principles that apply. How Ben and Jerry’s are responsible to society? Ben and Jerry’s take on corporate social responsibilities, taking action to achieve more desired goals to expand their business growth and also maintaining open line communication with employees to gain a better outcome. Ben and Jerry’s conduct various CSR activities, some of these include: Use of Fairtrade ingredients- Ben and Jerry’s first started using Fairtrade certified ingredients in 2005; they pledged in 2010 that by the end of 2013 they will go fully Fairtrade. Ben and Jerry’s work with dairy farmers and other farmers from third world countries, they source ingredients like cocoa, vanilla pods and various other ingredients. Fair Trade standards ensure that employees in these countries have good and safe working conditions, work reasonable hours and paid a fair amount for their work. Corporate Philanthropy- Corporate philanthropy in simple terms means a business’s care/love of humanity. Ben and Jerry’s a portion of its pre-tax profits to corporate philanthropy in attempts to become more socially responsible. Corporate philanthropy is led by employees through the B&J’s foundation and community action teams. Ben and Jerry’s award 1.8 million dollars to a philanthropy (an organisation that helps communities and the welfare of others) every year in and around Vermont, where Ben and Jerry’s  was initially set up. Engaging the Community through Community-based Projects- Another way in which Ben and Jerry’s is engaging in corporate responsibility to society is by setting up community –based development projects. The Vermont Dairy Farm Sustainability Project, which was launched by Ben & Jerry’s in 1999, set out to develop practical methods that could be used on day-to-day dairy operations to keep the water quality safe from nitrogen and phosphorus while not sacrificing the economic viability of the farm and making the farm a sustainable business. How can Ben and Jerry’s change/alter corporate social responsibilities (listed above) to contribute even more to improved business ethical behaviour? Ben and Jerry’s do all they can to make sure that they are socially responsible to stakeholders. They have engaged in a wide variety of activities/projects to insure that they do what they claim to do and that is to be as responsible to the wider community as much as they can, this includes Fairtrade, good working conditions, humanitarian concerns and other key factors in making sure that the community is affected in a positive manner. There is no denying that Ben and Jerry’s are very successful in their business operations and also their responsibility toward the society. But there are instances where they can improve on certain things. First of all the business follow all ethical procedures from Sourcing ingredients fairly to protecting the environment to the best of their ability’s, but if you were to be p icky Ben and Jerry’s are unethical in the sense that they are promoting unhealthy food. Now to most people this will not seem like a huge deal, but because obesity levels are on the increase and campaigns have been set up to tackle obesity and unhealthy eating, it seems somewhat of a contradictory move by Ben and Jerry’s to promote and sell Ice cream. This is being very, very picky however as they, like mentioned earlier, they ensure various factors are done ethically. You can argue that their advertisements and marketing techniques do not in any way state the products are healthy, so it’s not that they are misleading people. Some people may say that all Ben and Jerry’s do is sell unhealthy, fattening, chocolate rich ice creams, which can be considered a bit unethical. So in order to tackle this issue and make the company an even more ethically operating organisation, they can introduce healthier ice-cream or produce something alongside their standard ice-creams which is significantly healthier. They can use ingredients that  are healthier/low fat and implement a recipe that is just as good if not better than the original. This would contribute to better ethical behaviour by Ben and Jerry’s because it allows them to give people concerned an option of purchasing healthy (healthier) ice-cream. This will also mean that they are somewhat promoting healthier eating as people will look at them and think highly of them as they are taking these obesity concerns into consideration and doing something about it. Trading fairly: Trading fairly is a movement which strives for fair treatment for farmers. In a fair trade agreement, farmers will negotiate with the purchasers in order to receive a fair price for their products. Farmers who engage in fair trade also aim to pay their workers a fair price, and engage in environmentally-friendly practices. How Ben and Jerry’s trade fairly? Ben and Jerry’s have multiple tasks/missions they conduct to ensure that their operations are done fairly. First of all they are using fair trade. Using the Fairtrade method means that farmers who supply the ingredients get a fair pay, working and living environment. Another way in which they trade fairly is that they give back to society. This may seem like it is not directly trading fairly but Ben and Jerry’s do give something back to society. What they do is that they â€Å"operate the company in a way that actively recognizes the central role that business plays in society by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of life locally, nationally and internationally† ( Source Ben and Jerry’s website). So while they are producing high quality ingredients at the same time they are giving back to society locally, nationally and internationally. How can Ben and Jerry’s change/alter trading fairly (listed above) to contribute even more to impro ved business ethical behaviour? Like with the previous point I struggled to really find an area within Ben and Jerry’s that they need improving on so I had to be picky, the same goes for trading fairly. Ben and Jerry’s seem to tick all the boxes when it comes to trading fairly; I mean they do everything from Fairtrade to providing the community that little something back. But If I were to be picky I think there is one thing that they might have to improve on ever so slightly and that is the marketing of  the products. The criticism that I have for their marketing is that they have allegedly a couple of times offended customers with the names of their ice creams. Now this may not seem like it has nothing to do with trading fairly but it is. The reason as to why it is because customers are ultimately the ones keeping your business going, now if they were offended with the marketing techniques such as naming then they will be put off in the future. Although Ben and Jerry’s have admitted to using â€Å"cheeky names† on their ice creams they do not do this with the intention of offending people although they have mislead/offended a few. Although they have now changed the names of those products and it was a one off incident they’ll be keen to make sure that this does not happen in the future. (The source where I found out about the names of products offending customers- So in order to alter the trading of products Ben and Jerry’s can make sure that in future releases of new Ice cream they choose names carefully and make sure that they do not refer to anything in a bad light . Ben and Jerry’s are known for their innovative names but in order to prevent people from getting offended they can make sure they choose names that are simple in the sense that people won’t get offended. They will have to take into consideration various factors that could offend people and make sure that names that are obvious to offend people are not used and well away from the products they make.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Integrity of Data and Analysis in Marketing Assignment

The Integrity of Data and Analysis in Marketing Assignment The Integrity of Data and Analysis in Marketing – Assignment Example The paper "The Integrity of Data and Analysis in Marketing " is a worthy example of an assignment on marketing.Marketers should be concerned about the integrity of data and analysis that is provided by the National Household survey. This is because the data is of low quality because Canadians are not willing to provide the surveys with the information required to assist the marketers; hence, leaving gaps on what the consumers really want from the marketers. The marketers should be confident using the Census-Plus projection provided by Environics Analytics. This is because it provides an extensive demographic and socioeconomic profile of the Canadian consumers including the DAs (Lamb 67). Additionally, Census Plus projection helps in understanding ethnic customers and diversity among ethnic segments. A private firm can completely replace the analysis and the data delivered by the StatsCan long-form census. Because it is no longer in use as another strategy has been created to establis h what the Canadians have to say about the market. The target experience has clearly indicated that before any company enters a market they should first understand the target profit and break-even analysis. This is because with a clear consideration of the two the company can decide whether the investment is long-term or short-term, as well as, how big they should invest. Target Canada in their Initial situational analysis missed understanding the importance of market sizing (Lamb 90). In that, they did not know what the consumers in Canada wanted, as well as, the sum of money they were willing to pay for the products. Target experience would have been different if they had an online experience because they could have related to the consumers and understood about the range of products they would buy. By so doing, they would have an easier way in segment and market penetration.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Importance of Public Speaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Importance of Public Speaking - Essay Example The orators could entertain their listeners in a number of ways such as taking the help of humor, speaking in a sincere manner, using visual aids to add appeal to their speech, adding (or removing) emotions out of their voice and timing the speech in an effective manner. The rate of speech delivery (that is words per minute) should be deliberated so that every person could clearly hear all your words. The speaker should pay attention to his pitch and inflection and work over voice modulation so as to demand highest attention from the audience. Incorporation of vocal variety in speeches is effective mannerism of grabbing audience attention. Pauses also have great significance in speeches and you should know how to successfully use them. While giving us breathing space, pauses also help reinforce the subject matter with the audience- letting them absorb and deliberate over matters of consequence. So, the speaker should use the pause with care drawing out maximum advantage out of it. The voice volume should also be controlled so that everyone in the room hears your voice while you are not sounding loud in their ears. Articulation must be practiced so that every word is spoken with clarity. The words must also be pronounced correctly in the standard order of language. Facial expressions assist in speech delivery. However, you need to choose beforehand which facial expression would suit your speech and practice on it. Finally, the speaker should practice before hand his speech delivery method so that when the day of Speech is an art form that gets better with practice so the speakers should practice the art of speech giving in private as well as in public to master it and become effective public speakers. In the course of speech giving the delivery should be adjusted as and when required so that the message is conveyed to the audience in a clear manner. And lastly, try to make eye contact with your audience

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Risks to the Health Care Staff and Quality of Service and Essay - 2

The Risks to the Health Care Staff and Quality of Service and Profitability - Essay Example When patients are pursuing the health care talents of care providers, they are usually already experiencing heightened emotions as they attempt to cope with their current health issues. When a client is ill, it can bring feelings of â€Å"guilt, resentment, bitterness, anger, fear, grief and even shame† which, when expressed through less-productive client behaviours, can be â€Å"alarming and unsettling† for care providers (MacDonald, 2004, p.14). For example, in a health care clinic devoted to providing walk-in care to multiple patient demographics, there is always going to be different personalities which adjust to health crises quite differently. Some patients will likely express their fear and anger in more productive, socially-civilized formats while others explode at the health care provider and can even exhibit aggressive behaviour. In this more volatile client environment, health care staff must recognize that these are normal human behaviours and consistently m aintain professional decorum. Unfortunately, however, in more volatile situations where patients are raging out of fear and anger, staff reactions to patient anger â€Å"is often a defensive one that actually fuels more anger† (Thomas, 2003, p.103). For example, in a health care environment where staffing levels are insufficient to meet client demand, the last thing a patient wants to hear are explanations for the delay in service provision. A staffer who offers, â€Å"We’re simply short of help and there are other people ahead of you waiting for service†, will likely create considerable animosity between the patient and the care provider (Thomas, p.103).